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23 November 2023 - 24 November 2023
Vienna, Austria
International Mobility Days 2023

Thematic Areas


Learn about the latest technologies, share project ideas and high-quality solutions, find new project partners, etc.

Attend this event and gain new perspectives on the latest developments in the mobility sector. The following key topics will be addressed:

Transport Categories        

  • Private transport
  • Public mass transport
  • Freight transport
  • Intralogistics transport
  • Connected and automated transport
  • Autonomous transport/driving
  • Robotized transport

Transport Modes/Vehicles          

  • Automotive
  • Rail
  • Bikes
  • Scooters, hoverboards, etc.
  • Pedestrians
  • Ship
  • Aircraft, drones, airtaxi, etc.
  • Robots

Future topics                                         

  • New modes of transport - disruptive technology
  • Integrated modular transport modes
  • ITS Intelligent transport solutions
  • MaaS Mobility as a service
  • Mobility platforms
  • Shared mobility
  • Payment systems
  • (Mobile) Ticketing services
  • Connected vehicles
  • Connected multimodal services
  • Autonomous transportation and driving
  • Automation and robotics
  • Last mile and inner-city logistics
  • E-commerce and 24/7 delivery
  • Shift2 other transport modes
  • Highly efficient combustion engines
  • Hybrid propulsion
  • E-Mobility
  • Hydrogen mobility
  • Fuel cells
  • LNG/CNG mobility
  • Alternative drives
  • Battery technologies
  • Charging infrastructure
  • Alternative fuels
  • Green and zero-emission mobility
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Vehicle design
  • Assistant applications in vehicles
  • Navigation and embedded systems
  • Lightweight construction
  • IT and software solutions
  • Hygiene & disinfection
  • Smart city planning
  • Mobility living labs and experimental areas
  • Fleet management

Traffic Infrastructure and Logistics         

  • Road construction
  • Railway construction
  • Tunnelling
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Transport control systems
  • Toll systems
  • Tracking, analysing and optimization of traffic flows
  • Sensing and sensors
  • Security and safety
  • Lighting and signalling systems
  • Condition monitoring
  • Public transport traffic hubs
  • Railway stations
  • Airports
  • Maritime ports and hinterland (sea and river)
  • Cargo handling/trans-shipment points
  • Logistics terminals
  • Intermodal transport
  • (Global) Supply chain management and resilience systems
  • Near shoring and dual sourcing
  • Inner-city logistics
  • Planning and management of logistic areas
  • Shift2concepts
  • Green and zero-emission transport and logistics
  • IT and software solutions
  • Connectivity and cellular networks
  • Cloud and data networks
  • Cyber security
  • Satellite technology applied to mobility

Closed since 28 November 2023
Location Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna Austria
Organised by
Austria 566
Malaysia 26
Germany 26
Ukraine 23
Czech Republic 21
India 20
Latvia 17
Thailand 14
Slovenia 13
Romania 13
Brazil 13
France 12
Ireland 12
Greece 11
Hungary 11
Israel 10
Türkiye 10
Italy 10
Slovakia 9
Viet Nam 8
Belgium 8
Spain 8
Lithuania 7
Sweden 6
Serbia 6
Algeria 6
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 6
United Kingdom 6
China (Hong Kong) 5
Chile 5
China 5
Colombia 5
Croatia 5
Poland 5
Mexico 4
Canada 4
Indonesia 4
Bulgaria 4
Netherlands 4
United States 3
Cyprus 3
Japan 3
Switzerland 3
South Korea 3
Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
Albania 2
Taiwan 2
Peru 2
Norway 1
South Africa 1
Denmark 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Finland 1
Qatar 1
Singapore 1
Egypt 1
Australia 1
Armenia 1
Russia 1
North Macedonia 1
Portugal 1
Morocco 1
Total 985
Other 160
Consultants 116
Manufacturer / OEM / shipyard 104
Authority/Government 90
Association/Agency 68
Supplier components 64
Engineers & Planers 62
Start up 60
Supplier services 49
Public transport providers 44
University 37
Freight transport providers 30
General Contractors 19
R&D Institution 17
Shared mobility providers 12
Retailer / Wholesaler 9
Press 9
Total 950
Profile views
Before event 17756
After event 1730
Total 19486